How do I create multiple CAR files and CAR paths?

You can set the CarMaxFileSize option so that when your CAR file reaches this size (in bytes), the system automatically creates a new CAR file.

For example, suppose at the end of the year you have three CAR files in your Archive subdirectory. If you leave the CAR files in the Archive subdirectory and use the Archive module to retrieve a particular form set, everything works fine. If, however, you move CARFILE1 and CARFILE2 to another subdirectory and try to retrieve a particular form set, you can run into problems. The data for the form set you want to retrieve may have been in CARFILE1 or 2.

To set up the system so it will search subdirectories when it retrieves forms, you can put multiple semicolon delimited paths in the CARPath INI option,


See the Documaker Administration Guide for more information on the archive process.

Note   The number of subdirectories affects performance. If you only list two or three subdirectories, you should not see any change, however, the more subdirectories you add, the more it affects performance.